Here’s what you can do to get bigger lips at home:
1. Exfoliation
Exfoliation of the lips causes slight irritation and naturally increases blood flow to the area, making the lips swell beautifully.
After you brush your teeth, use a soft-bristle toothbrush and a gentle face scrub to exfoliate your lips. Be careful not to be too harsh, else you’ll end up scraping off skin. Do this for five minutes so that all the dead skin is removed, and lips feel warm and tingly. Rinse. Apply a Vitamin E containing lip balm of your choice in generous amounts.
A simple recipe to exfoliate your lips:
Mix half a tbsp table salt, half a tbsp cinnamon powder with a small scoop of Vaseline. Use this as your exfoliant. Keep rubbing over your lips until they feel slick and smooth. Leave on for a few minutes before rinsing off.
2. Cinnamon –A Natural Lip Plumper
You can buy a tiny bottle of 100% pure cinnamon oil at a big drugstores or essential oil marts. You will likely find them in food stores as well.
Cinnamon stimulates blood supply to the lips. Since even a small drop of the oil is very spicy and potent, it would be advisable not to apply this right after exfoliation. Wait for two hours after applying your lip balm before you pick up the cinnamon oil bottle.
Do NOT apply directly, unless you want smoke coming out of your ears. Mix one drop into a dollop of lip balm. Using more will cause a significant stinging sensation, so don’t be over-zealous.
Open your mouth wide, stretch your lips as wide as you can and apply. Stretching your lips well ensures that the concoction spreads adequately and is absorbed by the tiniest creases.
3. Niacin or Vitamin B3
These are easily available in tablet form at the local pharmacy. This ingredient is found in the best of cosmetic lip plumpers. The reason for it is that niacin causes the blood capillaries in the lips to swell, engorge with blood and also appear redder.
As with cinnamon, the key is to use a little at a time, unless you want a bad case of itchy lips. Crush half a tablet into powder and dissolve it in lip balm. Apply while stretching open your lips as much as possible.
4. Makeup for Getting Bigger Lips
• Apply a small amount of concealer to hide the creases and fine lines.
• Follow up with a light application of powder to lock the concealer in.
• Use a lip liner close to your natural lip colour to line your lips. To make them appear fuller, you can line just outside the edge of the lips. If you leave the corners very lightly touched and line only the centre part prominently, an illusion of thicker lips will be created.
• Gloss reflects light and gives an illusion of plump lips. Pick two colours of gloss. Keep the darker one as the base colour and use the lighter one for highlighting the fleshy part in the centre. When light will reflect more from this part, it will give a fuller look to your lips.
If you choose to use cosmetic lip plumpers, then select one that is organic and does not contain harsh chemicals to irritate your lips.
Remember that dry lips look shriveled and thinner, while well-moisturized lips look fuller. Drink lots of water to keep them hydrated and don’t be stingy with the lip balm. Using cinnamon powder may have a slightly drying effect, so conditioning your lips is especially important. Exfoliating after dinner and keeping the lip balm overnight will ensure that your lips absorb the moisture well and stay healthy-looking.
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Blonde girl in camisole with nice butt, perfect woman in self shot mirror pics
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Teen in lingerie, brunette babe with green eyes, cute girl with plus size bras
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011
How to keep your skin young, healthy and fresh
In order to fight the anti-aging process, it is imperative that you need to focus on your general health. When you are over fifty years old, it is crucial to plan out all of your meals, get at least 7 hours of rest at night, eat a well-balanced diet and work exercise into your life. These easy steps will ensure that your skin stays young and wrinkle-free.
Let's talk about diet first because it is one of the most important things that you can control. Make sure that you buy a lot of fruits and vegetables when you go grocery shopping. Do not purchase foods that are high in fat because they will affect your digestive system. Remind yourself to drink plenty of liquids, both water and juices work as long as they do not contain sugar. If your doctor has recommended that you follow a certain diet, listen to them! If you have not talked to your doctor about what the best diet for your body is, make an appointment today.
Another way to guarantee that your skin will stay young is to stay out of the sun. Your skin is very sensitive and as you get older, the sensitivity is enhanced. Do not allow your skin to be exposed to sunlight or extreme weather conditions. During the summer, all you have to do is apply sunblock every morning and you can rest assured that you are taking the right precautions. During the winter, make sure you moisturize and look for lotions that are water-based.
Thanks to modern medicine, there are hundreds of anti-aging creams that remove wrinkles, crow's feet, cellulite and under eye circles. Applying the best cream will remove wrinkles and prevent wrinkles in the future! When you are searching for the best anti-aging product, make sure that you find one that is natural and does not contain chemicals. Instead of wasting your time testing all of them, go online and read the reviews!
Another way that you can keep your skin young is to wear less makeup. This is a difficult thing for some women, but any foundation and powder is only going to prevent you r skin from being able to breathe. Look for natural and high quality makeup and do not ever go to sleep without removing the makeup from your face.
If you follow all of the steps above, you will keep your skin young and avoid other consequences that are common as we get older, such as freckles. When you take vacations to beautiful beaches, enjoy your time to relax and live without stress, but try not to overdo your time in the sun because eventually the damage to your skin will be permanent and could lead to diseases such as skin cancer.
Finally, consider options that people use in the eastern part of the world, such as massages that will keep your skin tight and radiant. Most people think that all massages have to be done by professionals, but you can do your own skin massage at home! Just make sure that the massage oil you use is a natural product. Once you finish your skin massage, get some rest and enjoy the new skin that you have in the morning.
Let's talk about diet first because it is one of the most important things that you can control. Make sure that you buy a lot of fruits and vegetables when you go grocery shopping. Do not purchase foods that are high in fat because they will affect your digestive system. Remind yourself to drink plenty of liquids, both water and juices work as long as they do not contain sugar. If your doctor has recommended that you follow a certain diet, listen to them! If you have not talked to your doctor about what the best diet for your body is, make an appointment today.
Another way to guarantee that your skin will stay young is to stay out of the sun. Your skin is very sensitive and as you get older, the sensitivity is enhanced. Do not allow your skin to be exposed to sunlight or extreme weather conditions. During the summer, all you have to do is apply sunblock every morning and you can rest assured that you are taking the right precautions. During the winter, make sure you moisturize and look for lotions that are water-based.
Thanks to modern medicine, there are hundreds of anti-aging creams that remove wrinkles, crow's feet, cellulite and under eye circles. Applying the best cream will remove wrinkles and prevent wrinkles in the future! When you are searching for the best anti-aging product, make sure that you find one that is natural and does not contain chemicals. Instead of wasting your time testing all of them, go online and read the reviews!
Another way that you can keep your skin young is to wear less makeup. This is a difficult thing for some women, but any foundation and powder is only going to prevent you r skin from being able to breathe. Look for natural and high quality makeup and do not ever go to sleep without removing the makeup from your face.
If you follow all of the steps above, you will keep your skin young and avoid other consequences that are common as we get older, such as freckles. When you take vacations to beautiful beaches, enjoy your time to relax and live without stress, but try not to overdo your time in the sun because eventually the damage to your skin will be permanent and could lead to diseases such as skin cancer.
Finally, consider options that people use in the eastern part of the world, such as massages that will keep your skin tight and radiant. Most people think that all massages have to be done by professionals, but you can do your own skin massage at home! Just make sure that the massage oil you use is a natural product. Once you finish your skin massage, get some rest and enjoy the new skin that you have in the morning.
Tips for longer and healthier hair, how to grow longer hair as fast as possible
To begin with, it’s very important to remember you have to start with healthy hair in order to grow hair long and healthy. Thus, it’s important for you to cut all damaged hair off before you start the growing process. Once you have only healthy hair left, use these five hair tips to learn how to grow longer hair as fast as possible!
Get Regular Trims! When you’re growing your hair longer, it’s extremely important to get a hair trim on a very regular basis. When you get your hair trimmed, it removes any split or damaged ends. Visit your salon every three to four months for a trim of about one half inch. If you color your hair or use harsh heat appliances on it often, you may need a trim even more often than this, however.
Skip The Heat! Using hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers, crimpers or flat irons on your hair can be extremely damaging. In fact, these products can damage your hair and keep it from growing like it should. If you can’t possibly skip the heat appliances, think about getting a gentle shampoo made to protect your hair from heat related damage. There are several brands which offer this type of protection and it’s worthwhile to use. In addition, think about using your blow dryer on low settings or allow your hair to air dry for as long as you can before blasting it with hot air.
Be Careful Of Ponytails! A ponytail can be a great way to cure a bad hair day, but it can also damage your hair if not done properly. Refrain from wearing tight ponytails very often if you’re trying to grow longer or healthier hair. If a ponytail is tugging on your scalp, chances are it could be breaking your hair at the same time. If you want to wear your hair up with a clip or hair band, be sure it’s done so in a loose style. This will reduce the amount of damage to your hair, while still letting you wear your hair up.
Use Hair Replacement Products! If you’re experiencing hair loss from conditions like alopecia, talk with your doctor about hair replacement products. You may benefit from using products like Rogaine, to help your locks become healthier and thicker.
Take Your Vitamins! Nutrition does play a part in healthy hair growth. However, it’s important you focus on the specific vitamins thought to take a big role in hair health. Pantothenic acid is helpful for stimulating vitamin consumption and stopping hair loss, while helping re-growth. Biotin is supposed to help cell development, prevent hair loss and stop premature graying of the hair. Inositol and Folic Acid are thought to keep the hair healthy and allow for good blood circulation in the scalp area. A multi vitamin might indeed cover all of these areas. Just be sure to check out the back of the bottle to see which formula is best for your overall health and your hair health! Check with your doctor before starting any new supplements.
Get Regular Trims! When you’re growing your hair longer, it’s extremely important to get a hair trim on a very regular basis. When you get your hair trimmed, it removes any split or damaged ends. Visit your salon every three to four months for a trim of about one half inch. If you color your hair or use harsh heat appliances on it often, you may need a trim even more often than this, however.
Skip The Heat! Using hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers, crimpers or flat irons on your hair can be extremely damaging. In fact, these products can damage your hair and keep it from growing like it should. If you can’t possibly skip the heat appliances, think about getting a gentle shampoo made to protect your hair from heat related damage. There are several brands which offer this type of protection and it’s worthwhile to use. In addition, think about using your blow dryer on low settings or allow your hair to air dry for as long as you can before blasting it with hot air.
Be Careful Of Ponytails! A ponytail can be a great way to cure a bad hair day, but it can also damage your hair if not done properly. Refrain from wearing tight ponytails very often if you’re trying to grow longer or healthier hair. If a ponytail is tugging on your scalp, chances are it could be breaking your hair at the same time. If you want to wear your hair up with a clip or hair band, be sure it’s done so in a loose style. This will reduce the amount of damage to your hair, while still letting you wear your hair up.
Use Hair Replacement Products! If you’re experiencing hair loss from conditions like alopecia, talk with your doctor about hair replacement products. You may benefit from using products like Rogaine, to help your locks become healthier and thicker.
Take Your Vitamins! Nutrition does play a part in healthy hair growth. However, it’s important you focus on the specific vitamins thought to take a big role in hair health. Pantothenic acid is helpful for stimulating vitamin consumption and stopping hair loss, while helping re-growth. Biotin is supposed to help cell development, prevent hair loss and stop premature graying of the hair. Inositol and Folic Acid are thought to keep the hair healthy and allow for good blood circulation in the scalp area. A multi vitamin might indeed cover all of these areas. Just be sure to check out the back of the bottle to see which formula is best for your overall health and your hair health! Check with your doctor before starting any new supplements.
How to look and feel beautiful and young without makeup
Makeup is a wonder, but sometimes you get tired of all the applying and removing makeup routine. Enhancing natural beauty can really save you some money on expensive cosmetics and makeup products. So if you wondered how to look beautiful without makeup read this tips.
First and foremost thing that can help you look beautiful without makeup is a good sleep. Eight hours of sound, uninterrupted sleep will eliminate any dark circles or puffiness under your eyes.
Cool water, cooled moisturizer or simply a cool compress can really help in getting rid of dark circles and puffiness as well. Besides if you want to wake up in the morning or refresh during the day a splash of cool water can be a good way of doing it.
Skin care. Exfoliate and moisturize. In order to look beautiful without makeup your skin should glow and radiate. For that exfoliate your skin once a week and always use cleanser before applying moisturizer. Otherwise you may end up having clogged pores and dull skin. If you do wear makeup do not sleep without removing it. Your skin will become dull and unhealthy.
Drink water to keep your skin moisturized and smooth. Not only celebrities think water can keep your young and beautiful but experts also recommend to drink clean water every day to remove toxins from the organism and it's sure a good thing. Here also comes a healthy diet, which has a direct impact on your skin.
Sunscreen should be worn everyday in summer and winter, with or without makeup. Harsh environmental impact, especially from the sun on our skin makes it old. It is also a good idea to wear sunglasses in summer and winter to avoid tiny wrinkles around your eyes.
To look beautiful without makeup your facial features should be well cared for. Well-shaped eyebrows should be always groomed, if you don’t like the color or intensity of your eyebrows you may dye them with a special dye in the salon. Also using curler just to give shape to your eyelashes is not a crime.
Beautiful hair and stylish ‘do can also help in looking beautiful without any makeup. Your lips should be smooth and healthy-looking and your will not need any gloss or lipstick, just a hygienic lip balm.
As you know bad habits have a bad impact on your health and your skin, so getting rid of those is a huge step to looking beautiful without makeup.
First and foremost thing that can help you look beautiful without makeup is a good sleep. Eight hours of sound, uninterrupted sleep will eliminate any dark circles or puffiness under your eyes.
Cool water, cooled moisturizer or simply a cool compress can really help in getting rid of dark circles and puffiness as well. Besides if you want to wake up in the morning or refresh during the day a splash of cool water can be a good way of doing it.
Skin care. Exfoliate and moisturize. In order to look beautiful without makeup your skin should glow and radiate. For that exfoliate your skin once a week and always use cleanser before applying moisturizer. Otherwise you may end up having clogged pores and dull skin. If you do wear makeup do not sleep without removing it. Your skin will become dull and unhealthy.
Drink water to keep your skin moisturized and smooth. Not only celebrities think water can keep your young and beautiful but experts also recommend to drink clean water every day to remove toxins from the organism and it's sure a good thing. Here also comes a healthy diet, which has a direct impact on your skin.
Sunscreen should be worn everyday in summer and winter, with or without makeup. Harsh environmental impact, especially from the sun on our skin makes it old. It is also a good idea to wear sunglasses in summer and winter to avoid tiny wrinkles around your eyes.
To look beautiful without makeup your facial features should be well cared for. Well-shaped eyebrows should be always groomed, if you don’t like the color or intensity of your eyebrows you may dye them with a special dye in the salon. Also using curler just to give shape to your eyelashes is not a crime.
Beautiful hair and stylish ‘do can also help in looking beautiful without any makeup. Your lips should be smooth and healthy-looking and your will not need any gloss or lipstick, just a hygienic lip balm.
As you know bad habits have a bad impact on your health and your skin, so getting rid of those is a huge step to looking beautiful without makeup.
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011
Brooke Hogan with a plastic surgery on her bust, sexy swimwear
Hawaii on an early July weekend, reality star and pop singer Brooke Hogan was a sight to behold as her bust appeared to have grown overnight. It seems that wrestling champion Hulk Hogan's daughter has opted for plastic surgery to boost her once A cups, to full C cups.

Real name: Brooke Ellen Bollea
Date of birth: 2 May 1988
Place of birth: Tampa, Florida, USA
Height: 5' 10
Father: Hulk Hogan
Mother: Linda Hogan
Sex: Female
Nationality: American

Real name: Brooke Ellen Bollea
Date of birth: 2 May 1988
Place of birth: Tampa, Florida, USA
Height: 5' 10
Father: Hulk Hogan
Mother: Linda Hogan
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
Nice american auto girls, beautiful women and cars in California
Beautiful Girl in swimsuit of Auto Show California - most beautiful cars and women

Self shooting pics with cell phone, hot ass in jeans
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
Beautiful girls on the beach, angel face, long hair, swimsuit, sun glasses
Beautiful babe on the beach with legs in water. Cute angel face and long brunette hair; sexy girls in swimsuits with sun glasses and belly piercing

Self shot, mirror pics, sexy teen, IPhone pictures, beautiful girls in short jeans
Amateur teen girl with awesome body in short jeans self shooting pics in mirror with her phone cam; most beautiful young blond girls.

Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011
Office girls, sexy secretaries, hot office babes, business woman
This beautiful business babe with glasses has black stockings, high heels and a sexy skirt.

Self shot mirror pics, perfect body, phone cam photos
Very hot body in jeans with belly piercing and nice breasts in black bra. Picture is self shooting with an apple IPhone.

Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Girls in sexy lingerie, bra, stockings, high heels, bikini/panties
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Sexy sport girls, hot perfect butt in panties, amateur woman
Beautiful girls magazine, womens underwear, bikini, swimsuit is presenting you images with Girls and Men in Underwear - Lingerie Competition and women with cars where you can choose from ranging in many categories. If you are looking for that specific image or picture we probably have it here. We are always adding more images to our site to make sure you have only the freshest pictures around the internet. We make sure to only upload the best images for you, our users. You can find treatments too, how to be beautiful with home remedies, how to get bigger lips naturally, how to keep your skin young, tips for longer and healthier hair.
Sexy amateur teen in underwear, stockings and high heels
Sexy amateur teen posing in underwear, black stockings and high heels. Beautiful babe in bikini with hot long legs.

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